Purpose:-The road less travelled.

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One of my key areas of focus in life to my friends, colleagues, relatives and clients has always been that of:-define and realize your purpose and pursue it relentlessly.

Well we can’t avoid the old adage of the business motive, that is, profit maximization especially with investors on your neck, shareholders mounting unimaginable pressures, and employees with unrealistic expectations.

But sadly speaking we have forgotten the true ingredient that defines meaning to a brand. An ingredient that gives meaning to life and a virtue that maps the basis of true brand identity .We have made purpose become the road less travelled with people forgetting the importance of it being the true ingredient of brand satisfaction.

Success lies not in making Kshs 100M as turnover or so called supernormal profits. Success lies in knowing that a customer’s need is met and the joy s/he feels will have a trickle down effect on the community. Show me a satisfied community and I will respect your Kshs100M.

And that is my gospel today:-the need for companies to realize their reason for existence. Managers need to have an awakening that we live in a society which is very much empowered with information and more so very conscious of the environment they live in. A society longing for solutions, longing for meaning, longing for value.

Success lies not in complexity but in simplicity.

One of the reasons that make the Global brand Philips be a success today is because of its tagline of sense and simplicity. Whatever they make from lighting, health care or electronics, every product to them has to make sense to the consumer and simple in its function. Furthermore their main purpose as an organisation is what they call:- Health and Well being. As a company they continuously ask themselves :

1.       What impact does our product have on one’s health, are our products more or less hazardous?

2.       What impact does it have on one’s well being, will the consumer say “I have become more enlightened/entertained by a TV programme thanks to my Philips TV which is simple to use?”

The recent quest for purpose has ushered the rise of what psychologist call the “new consumer”

The following is an excerpt from the 2009 fortune 100 Interbrand report explaining in detail the rise of the “new consumer”:

The rise of the new consumer

What has emerged over the past years in Western markets is a new consumer whose attitude towards wealth has shifted from a question of “what to buy” to “why buy,” and from purchasing power to an empowered purchase. Economic, social, and environmental concerns have brought issues such as sustainability, wealth distribution, and resource protection to the top of the agenda. As a result, an ostentatious form of luxury appears completely out of sync with a global quest for sobriety, wisdom, and a greater sense of purpose. In Western markets, even consumers who can afford luxury goods are refraining from purchasing, in fear of being ostracized for their lavish spending.

The wave of accessible luxury and the new rich have forced longstanding European luxury brands to find ways to emerge from this democratization–mainly by engaging with customers who can afford them not just economically, but also intellectually. By catering to an élite that doesn’t just have the power to buy, but is also fully aware of the authenticity, legacy, and excellence that sets these brands apart, it is no longer about the wealthy, but wealthy connoisseurs. This marks a return to 19th century French and Italian luxury, which was about craftsmanship, unique “savoir faire,” and selling a lot to the few. This is a reversal from the recent past, which saw many luxury brands selling more to more people for less.

There is one cyber café next to a popular college here in Nairobi that really fascinates me. The place is always full, abuzz with so much activity. One day I went in to find out what exactly makes them different from the other cyber cafes within the area .I was amazed to find out that apart from their high internet connectivity, their desktops have been programmed in such a way that a jobs-offer pop up menu appears once you log in, leading you to a folder with updates of the latest jobs in town. And they don’t charge you extra incase you want to re-confirm the job details once you log out.

Success in your business is and will always be a by product of fulfilling your purpose. May be the purpose of the cyber café is to help students in their job hunting quest or provision of high speed internet connectivity to make chatting with online friends faster, but whichever the case, purpose is evident.

A clearly spelt out purpose for any organisation that is relentlessly pursued day in day out is what defines a brand and makes it stronger.

And a stronger brand in this day and age will always keep competitors away, and bring customers your way.


I dedicate this article to all the Brand Agencies in Kenya, especially Enyeheri LTD, a brand led agency that works relentlessly to help SMEs define and realize their purpose.For more info you can log on to their website. http://enyeheri.com

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  1. #1 by FFF Team on 18/09/2010 - 12:27 pm

    I like your blog (and writing style) and see that thematically we write about some similar topics, but in a different way.

    I’d love your reaction to my blog and your readers may find it thought provoking as well. You can read it at: http://findfulfillflourish.wordpress.com/


    • #2 by ricozah on 20/09/2010 - 8:20 am

      Hi FFF Team.
      Thanx for the positive comments.Really appreciate.
      I also personally believe in unity in diversity,since my core is to help organisation realize their brand value with an angle to branding.
      Keep up the good work as well and I will make sure,to drop a line at Findfulfillflourish.
      Good day.

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